About Our Worship Services
We gather together each week to celebrate God's goodness, to uplift our minds to Him and His ways, and to encourage our church family & friends with the hope of God's promises while living in an often chaotic world.
Our services usually last 75-90 minutes, and typically contain the following elements:
Our services usually last 75-90 minutes, and typically contain the following elements:
- A greeting from a member of our leadership team, with important news and announcements
- A traditional song of praise
- A testimony from some recent ministry opportunity
- A session from our rotating praise teams, featuring a blend of traditional and contemporary songs
- A short story for the kids in our congregation
- A time of prayer for our church family
- A 30-40 minute sermon/message from God's Word
- A final song
- A closing prayer of blessing
"Alpha & Omega"
Our Worship Pastor (Leandro Bizama) composed our theme song for our studies in Revelation. The song, "Alpha and Omega" quickly became a favorite in our congregation, and we want to share the song with you.
Message from Pastor Leandro:
"After thinking about the book of Revelation for several months, knowing we were going to be studying in for several weeks in the Fall, I sat down to write a song that was Bible based and communicated the most important points of the book: Jesus, His love for His bride (that is us), the urgency of His message (fear the Lord, come and drink, wash your robes) and the promise that soon we will be completely His and swallowed up in His embrace. I hope that as you sing and hear the song, that your heart is inspired to join the Universe in recognizing the supremacy and love of Christ."
"After thinking about the book of Revelation for several months, knowing we were going to be studying in for several weeks in the Fall, I sat down to write a song that was Bible based and communicated the most important points of the book: Jesus, His love for His bride (that is us), the urgency of His message (fear the Lord, come and drink, wash your robes) and the promise that soon we will be completely His and swallowed up in His embrace. I hope that as you sing and hear the song, that your heart is inspired to join the Universe in recognizing the supremacy and love of Christ."
Saturday Weekly Service Times
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