ARISE AND Build - The Need |
Dear Campion & Friends
The Mission - Campion is here to make a difference Fifty years ago, committed followers of Christ and members of the church stepped out to build a church that would join together the students and staff on campus with members from the community. God has used this church to make a difference. Today that church, our church, is in the middle of a fast growing Colorado population and a campus with students full of questions and energy to be trained for the cause of God. We’ve reached another point where there is again the need to arise and build. Campion has a full mission as a campus church. That means partnering with Campion Academy, a secondary level training school, HMS Richards Elementary School, and the Rocky Mountain Conference for expanding the work of the Seventh-day Adventist church in Colorado, Wyoming and through the Midwest. The Need - The blessing of full We are outgrowing our building. Our Sabbath school rooms, which focus on nurturing and training all ages, are consistently full. The only way to grow these ministries to new believers, young families, and children is to expand our available space. Many groups/clubs on our campus and community enjoy using the church space for activities: Pathfinders & Adventurers (clubs for children and young people), interest clubs, reunions, study groups, seminars, and social events. The pastoral offices are at the center of our ministry work during the week. We have three (3) pastors and one office manager but only two offices, leaving two pastors to provide professional ministry in non-office locations. There is a need for space that is conducive to interpersonal impact and professional ministry. The Solution - Space for impact through ministry
We have undertaken this vision of building and renovation as part of our mission of finishing the work of God. As a campus church, we not only impact the greater Loveland area, but through our students who are training to give their lives for the work of Jesus, we will help impact the world. For Campion, this is about impact: 1) Impacting our students by training them to serve God. 2) Impacting our members in providing space for them to be discipled, to worship, and be trained as missionaries. 3) Impacting our community with an attractive place for them to use and be invited into. Through this project we are creating an environment where we can interact with one of the fastest growing communities in ways we’ve never imagined. We believe this is the right direction for Campion. God needs churches making impacts for His cause. If ever there was a time that we maximize our impact it is in this earth’s most difficult hour. As we work toward this building addition, we will not relax our focus on impacting our campus and community with the love of Jesus. Our invitation to you is to join us in this mission. In His Service, Micheal Goetz, Lead Pastor Nestor Soriano, Evangelism/Worship Esequias Perea, Discipleship/Youth |
The Mission
Campaign Prayer
God of majesty, God of creation, bless us as we unite our creative efforts with You to build ministry on our campus and community by expanding Your church at Campion. May what we build be to Your glory and for Your use. May what we add by building add to our willingness to serve You in the spirit of generosity and sacrifice. Bless our capital campaign to not only raise funds for this project, but also build a greater connection Campaign Text
“The God of heaven, He will prosper us; therefore we |
Challenge Goal $2,000,000
What will it take to reach the goal
Saturday Weekly Service Times
Office Hours